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Katie Miller

What's that smell?

Updated: Dec 3, 2021

That was my introduction to hemp's cousin, at first sniff it is distinct from anything you have noticed before and speaks to your senses.

Theoretically we are all aware of terpenes well before we have any understanding of the largest class of smelly molecules produced by the plants all around us.

Growing up in Surrey, BC my Mom’s response, in a trying not to show her stigma but failing voice, “that smells skunky,” end of conversation.

Flow Scientific appreciates this unique recognition and takes the exploration of olfactory effects to the next level by creating terpene products used in hemp's cousin products consumers love!

Terpenes are a hot topic these days, and we cannot wait to speak up and share our knowledge and experience of growing our company alongside the regulated hemp's cousin industry by continuing to innovate our processes and products. A products’ aroma creates a fingerprint by which it becomes known. Flow Scientific utilizes this concept to deliver terpenes used in many products consumers love and recognize.

Our niche is high purity and deep profile terpene products.

Customers appreciate our transparency and quality in addition to the ease of formulation and logistics when working with us.

Experts, analysts, and formulators agree, delivering a hemp and hemp's cousin terpene profile that will catch a customer’s attention at first smell has always been the name of the game. The ‘nose’ was, and still is, a term used to describe the overall sensory appeal of the variety you are evaluating.

If you were to think of a terpene profile as pieces of bread and you have five pieces from the same loaf, we would agree they are all the same bread. Now if the first one is left u-ntoasted, and the next four are toasted to varying degrees from light to burnt are they all going to taste the same?

The same concept applies to terpene profiles.

Herein lies our potential for terpene innovation, no one asks for burnt toast, and it’s certainly not going to appeal to the masses. Finding the ideal environment, timing, and process to capture these volatile molecules and protect them through to a commercial packaged good, is at the top of our R&D agenda.

We know that this innovation will make available the most pleasing aromas that go beyond analytics to truly speak to the consumer and their sensibilities.

Flow Scientific is pleased to be VIP partner for the 2021 WWC Conference taking place May 26 & 27, 2021 where I will be joining a panel discussion with other leaders in the industry, presented by Marigold PR

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